In this section, we will cover the major features of the IoTalents Question & Answer Forum.

In the IoTalents forum, any user can post their questions and can answer to the posted questions once they are logged in.

1.9.1 Landing Page

1.9.2 Ask question

1.9.3 Posting answer

1.9.4 Votes

1.9.1 Landing Page

Once logged in, user can view the list of questions posted in the IoTalents Forum.

  1. Newest - This section covers the most recently asked questions
  2. Frequent - This section covers the most referred links. i.e. if any question has been referred in any other question or answer, then the referral link for the referred question is increased by 1. User can view the number of links of each question.
  3. Votes - This section covers the questions which are sorted based on the most number of up votes.
  4. Unanswered - This section covers the questions that have not been answered yet.
  5. User can view his/her own questions and answers from Forum >>> My Q&A.

1.9.2 Ask question

To ask a question, there are few things to note.

  1. Provide a good title for the question which summarizes the specific problem. In short, try to sum up the entire question in one sentence.
  2. Description of the problem
  3. Explain in detail about the problem. i.e. what details to include that will help someone to identify and solve the problem. Include any messages or errors, API details, or specify the situation of the problem to make others understand and help to solve the problem.

    Don't explain the problem in a very generic way.

    Explain how the problem was encountered so that others can try to replicate the problem and help to solve it.

  1. Try to include relevant tags for the question. Include a tag for the language that was used, or any API or library used. User can choose either from the auto complete list of tags or can type in new tags.
  2. Go through the question before submitting to make sure that all the necessary details for the question have been included.

  1. Post the question and wait for responses.

1.9.3 Posting answer

To provide answer to posted question, there are a few things to note.

  1. Read the question carefully to understand it.
  2. Try to replicate the problem if possible and solve it. Once solved, answer the question with some piece of code or good explanations which can be of good help to the user who posted the question.
  3. User can also suggest some links for the asker to look into to help the asker solve the problem.
  4. User can also answer his/her own question if he/she could solve it in a better way.
  5. Out of all the answers posted, the asker can select one answer as accepted. Once the answer is accepted, the asker cannot revert back and accept another answer as accepted.

1.9.4 Votes

Every question and answer can be up voted or down voted.

  1. If the user finds any of the questions or answers useful, the user can up vote the question or answer as a form of recognition to the posted user.

  2. If the user finds any of the questions or answers not useful or right, the user can down vote the question or answer.

  3. The user who posted the question/answer cannot up or down vote for his/her own question or answer.